Friday, July 13, 2012

Tofa soifua!

As I lay here in my air conditioned room, with 6 pillows in my queen sized bed and not a bug in site, I realize this kind of life is about to be put on hold for the next 11 months, and can't believe I leave in 2 days!  I woke up around 7 this morning (the time at the bottom doesn't show up correctly), because with the wonderful air conditioned, insect-free night of sleep I got, I feel plenty rested.  If you saw my room right now, you'd know why I need to be up early to pack.  I also had better get used to it!  I believe for the first few weeks of orientation we will be up by 6 or 7 and training all day until 4 or 5.  After the first month, I will probably have to leave for school by 7-7:30 and be there until 4.  And that's still not nearly as much time at school as Mom has spent all these years....don't know how you do it!

It still hasn't even really hit me that I'll be gone for 11 months.  More importantly, I can't believe it'll be 18 months before I get a ski season!!!!!  Time for the juxtaposition:
Big Jay with Jay Peak in the background

American Samoa

Hey, at least they both have mountains! 

I probably won't be posting as much once I begin teaching (both because of less time and less internet), but I think I will have some time during orientation.

So, Sunday I leave Boston around 10am, have a 6 hour flight to LAX, then meet up with most of the WorldTeachers for a predeparture meeting in the hotel we stay overnight in.  In the morning we fly to Honolulu, Hawaii (about 6 hours), have a 3 hour layover, then fly to Pago Pago (5 1/2 hours).

I will miss you all so so much!!!  Becs, Donny, AlPal, Lils, and all better crush it on the slopes for me this year (but don't make me too jealous...tell me the snow sucks).  RyGuy, keep me updated on what you end up doing, keep on keepin on!!!  Jenna Lee, let me know where you and Zack end up moving and what you end up doing next!  NatKat-- you are going to LOVE your Americorps position... get all those people healthy!!!  Al & Lil- good luck on your THESEEEES.... just sing the feces/theses song when you get stuck, it's what nat and I did.  Prouda ya. (Harry voice.) When in doubt between the ski days and the thesis days, always take the ski days. You won't go wrong.  Leman have an awesome senior year as well!!  Enjoy the bologna out of Burlington & SKITHEEAST/ SKITTLETHESHEETS for me. Cal, good luck with your first year of non-laxbro life. Muggles really aren't all that bad.

Liv & Elena (and now Brian Tonelli!!)...hold down Boston for me.  Go to some Sawx games, eat some chowdah for me, and drink some beahs for me. Especially on New Years. And Olivia's birthday. (And my birthday?) And record the best Bahston accents you hear and send them to me so I can listen to them when I'm homesick. Many Beantown nights to come (including the 4th of July...I will be with you next year...) when I return!

EmFenn GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FIRST YEAR TEACHING!!!! I'll be in it with ya, although you're probably better prepared.  I will REALLY wish you (and JFenn) were there with me for the first few weeks/months to whip the smartasses into shape.

Everyone who finds their way in Lexington within the next year.... watch out for Officer Cleaver. I've heard he will put you in a mean arm bar.....which I have now learned and will master if I need to break up bloody Samoan fights in the classroom (to be expected from reading past blog posts).

The best email address to use will be, the other ( recieves all my messages as well, but that may become inactive in May.  Leave comments on my posts, even if they are short, so I can have some kind of communication with all of you!!  If you already have a google account you can just click the link at the bottom.

As an elderly islander on Anegada, BVI ordered me in 2005, (this was the only thing he said to us, and he repeated it while pointing a finger at each person as he said it), Be Happy.

Tofa soifua,


  1. Well, Sara, you are off in a few days for an amazing adventure! A trip of a lifetime! We are all so proud of you and all of your accomplishments and know that this experience will be like no other journey.
    We are all behind you and look forward to reading as well as contributing blog comments for you to read.
